Academic Rank(s)
Professor, PhD
Associate Director, Education
Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention
Affiliated Scientist, BC Cancer
Professor, PhD
Associate Director, Education
Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention
Affiliated Scientist, BC Cancer
2206 East Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
Originally from the UK, I gained a PhD in environmental epidemiology from Newcastle University and training in Geographic Information Science (GIS) from Edinburgh University.
I am the Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention and the National Scientific Co-Director of the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath). CanPath is Canada’s largest prospective cohort study with over 300,000 participants and over the next 20 years will play a major role in helping understand how genetics, the environment and lifestyle interact to cause cancer and other chronic diseases. I am also co-Scientific Director of BC Generations, the BC arm of CanPath.
Deputy Chair, National Scientific Co-Director, Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow’s Health (CanPath) Senior Scientific Leadership Group (National)
Canadian Cancer Society Chair in Cancer Primary Prevention
Affiliated Scientist, BC Cancer
My research integrates health geography with epidemiology to ensure context and setting is central to cancer prevention. My focus intersects three themes: quantifying and preventing environmental and built environment cancer risks, including arsenic in well drinking water; assessing biomarkers of environmental and lifestyle cancer risks; understanding gene by environment interactions in cancer and chronic disease.
Below are links to articles of interest.