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SPPH 581T Science, Values, and Public Policy

This course examines central philosophical issues generated from the intersection of science, human values, and public welfare. Examples include public participation in science, special-interest science, and neglected diseases. A successful student in this course will: Gain knowledge of major positions, arguments, and approaches in the field of socially relevant philosophy of science. Improve critical reasoning […]

Screening in pregnancy key to eliminating mother-to-child HIV transmission

Canada has almost eliminated mother-to-child HIV transmission, known as vertical transmission.

Integrated health care model transforms HIV treatment in South Africa

Providing HIV care at local health clinics in South Africa has led to a massive increase in the number of people there receiving vital treatment. Photo credit: Angeli Rawat

MSc/PhD candidate Pauline Voon wins Dr. Dorothy J Kergin Fellowship Award

Pauline, who is supervised by Dr. Jane Buxton and Dr. Thomas Kerr, began the MSc program at SPPH in September 2014, and will be transferring into the PhD program this coming September.

Alumnus Dr. Dan Werb named Director and Scientific Board Chair of ICSDP

Dr. Werb was also one of six researchers recently named an inaugural recipient of the Avenir Award, a prestigious US$1.5 million research grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Alumnus Dr. Margo Pearce wins CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network (CTN) James Kreppner Fellowship

Dr. Pearce recently completed her PhD under the supervision of Dr. Patricia Spittal.

Gender differences play key role in supporting healthy diets for seniors: UBC research

Strategies to support healthier diets among seniors need to take into account differences between elderly men and women, according to UBC research. Credit: Lucas Richter/Flickr