SPPH students and fellows win CIHR doctoral, postdoctoral awards
School of Population and Public Health students and fellows have won Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Doctoral awards and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research fellowship.
Celebrating Health Research: Sharing SPPH stories
Share your research in the Celebrating Health Research storybook compiled by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research! Professor Carolyn Gotay speaks about advocating for “hands on” approaches to cancer prevention.
Student Research: Identifying cancer trends in Northern Canada
Despite cancer being the leading cause of death in Canada, it is still incompletely described in the Yukon and other territories in Northern Canada.
$6-million donation creates largest ever endowed scholarship at UBC
The University of British Columbia has created its largest ever endowed scholarship, thanks to a $6-million donation from the Faculty of Medicine’s first two members — Constance Livingstone Friedman and Sydney Friedman.
Programs that teach emotional intelligence in schools have lasting impact
Social and emotional learning programs for youth not only immediately improve mental health, social skills, and learning outcomes but also continue to benefit children years later, according to new research from UBC, University of Illinois at Chicago and Loyola University.
Build bikeways and they will come
Cycling is a fun and healthy way to get to work, combining exercise and the great outdoors with a necessary trip. So what should cities keep in mind when it comes to getting people on their bikes? Credit: waferboard/flickr
PhD student Stephanie Lake wins 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau Doctoral Scholarship
Doctoral student Stephanie Lake has won the 2017 Pierre Elliott Trudeau doctoral scholarship, the fourth School of Population and Public Health (SPPH) student to do so.