SPPH Faculty Members Awarded more than $1.3 million in CIHR Project Grants
SPPH Faculty members Nick Bansback, Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes, Amee Manges, Bonnie Henry, Wei Zhang were awarded more than $1.3 million in CIHR project grants.
Join the conversation on reducing rural health inequity at the 2019 SPPH Exchange
You’re invited to the SPPH Exchange on March 1, 2019. Be a part of the conversation to explore emerging issues pertinent to rural health and rural health services, and to identify current and upcoming evidence-based strategies for the future.
SPPH Professor Steve Morgan is the recipient of the 2019 Hall Laureate
Congratulations to SPPH Professor Steve Morgan, recipient of the 2019 Hall Laureate Award Recipient the Justice Emmett Hall .