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Messages to SPPH Community Regarding COVID-19

Check this page for any new updates on the situation.

Leaving prison during the COVID-19 and overdose public health emergencies

SPPH PhD student Kate McLeod and Adjunct Faculty Dr. Ruth Elwood Martin published a blog post in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) this week, discussing the risks posed to individuals released from incarceration during the COVID-19 pandemic. The blog post follows a recent study on the value of Unlocking the Gates (UTG), a program that connects […]

The Impact of Presenteeism in the Workplace Due to Illness or Caregiving

Health problems can drastically affect one’s ability to work productively and perform at full capacity. From the general flu, to poor mental health, to cardiovascular disease, patients are often forced to take sick leaves or even stop working entirely, which can place significant financial and social burdens on their daily lives. When patients show up […]