The 2013 recipients for the CJG Mackenzie Prize for Excellence in Teaching are:
Dr. Jerry Spiegel
Dr. Jerry Spiegel
Jerry teaches SPPH’s 523, Global Health and Human Security. In addition to his work at the School, Jerry is the Co-Director of the Global Health Research Program. The GHRP is celebrating a big win this year; they have been named as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre of Excellence. Dr. Spiegel was unable to attend the award ceremony.
Dr. Michael Law
Michael received this prize for teaching SPPH 548 – Health Services Research Methods. He is an Assistant Professor in the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research, whose work focuses on access to and the use of prescription drugs, including the affordability of prescription drugs, private drug insurance, generic drug pricing, and the impact of pharmacist prescribing. This year Michael also received the Distinguished Achievement Award for Overall Excellence – Early Career from the Faculty of Medicine and honourable mention in the BC Health Association Legacy Award competition.
Dr. Michael Law
Cortlandt Mackenzie Teaching Prize
This prize is named for Dr. Cortlandt John Gordon (C.J.G.) Mackenzie. Dr. Mackenzie received his MD from Queen’s University in 1951. He moved to B.C. that year and began private practice. In 1954 he joined the provincial Ministry of Health: first as Director of the Peace River Health Unit, later of the West Kootenay, Selkirk, and Central Vancouver Island units. In 1963 he joined the Faculty of Medicine at UBC and became the Acting Chairman of the Department of Health Care and Epidemiology 1969 to 1973. He was Head of the Department from 1973 to 1980. Dr. Mackenzie passed away in 2013.
The prize is awarded for the highest scores on students’ evaluations of course teaching in the School of Population and Public Health.

Dr. Michael Law accepts award from Dr. Mackenzie’s son Alec Mackenzie and his wife Marlene.