Tamil Kendall
Academic Rank(s)
Adjunct Professor
Associate Member, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UBC
Research Associate, BC Access to Justice Centre of Excellence, University of Victoria
Director, Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada.
BA, MA, PhD.
Tamil Kendall (she/her) has more than twenty-five years experience working as a community-based and academic health researcher and policymaker focused on public health and human rights, particularly women’s sexual and reproductive health. She has worked with government, the United Nations, universities, and local and global non-profit organizations.
She is the Director of the Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada (www.pwhr.org), an alliance of Canada’s leading women’s health research institutions. She also works internationally as a consultant in the fields of gender-based violence, access to justice, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Tamil hold’s a Master’s degree in Communication from Simon Fraser University and a doctoral degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Anthropology and Health Sciences) from the University of British Columbia. She completed her post-doctoral research fellowship (2013-2015) with the Women and Health Initiative at the Harvard School of Public Health where she was also a Takemi Fellow in International Health.
Selected peer-reviewed articles
Kendall T, Sriram P, Parmar A, Norman WV. (2023) Canadian newspapers support mifepristone medication abortion to improve fulfillment of the AAAQ Right to Health Framework (2015-2019). Women’s Health Issues 32 (6): 592-599.DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2023.05.008
Kendall, T., Avalos Capin, J., Damji N., Lopez Uribe, E. (2020). Community mobilization to promote and protect the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women living with HIV in Latin America. Health and Human Rights Journal 22(2) https://www.hhrjournal.org/
Luke, S., J. Hutcheon, Kendall, T. (2019). Cannabis use in pregnancy in British Columbia and selected birth outcomes. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada (JOGC) 41(9):1311-1317 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jogc.2018.11.014.
Shifraw, T., Y. Berhane, H. Gulema, T. Kendall, A. Austin (2016). A qualitative study on factors that influence women’s choice of delivery in health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 16: 307doi.org/10.1186/s12884-016-1105-7
Austen, A., H. Gulema, M. Belizan, D.S. Colaci, T.Kendall, M. Tebeka, M. Hailemariam…A. Langer (2015). Barriers to providing quality emergency obstetric care in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Healthcare providers’ perspectives on training, referrals and supervision, a mixed methods study. Reproductive Health 15:74 doi 10.1186/s12884-015-0493-4
Langer, A. A. Meleis, FM Knaul, R Atun, M Aran, H Arreola-Ornelas, Z A Bhutta ….T. Kendall…J.Frenk. (2015).Women and Health: the key for sustainable development. The Lancet 386 (9999): 1165-1210. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)60497-4
Kendall, T. and C. Albert. (2015). Experiences of coercion to sterilize and forced sterilization among women living with HIV in Latin America. Journal of the International AIDS Society 18:19462 doi.org/10.7448/IAS.18.1.19462
Kendall, T. and A. Langer. (2015). Critical maternal health knowledge gaps in low- and middle-income countries for the post-2015 era. Reproductive Health 12:55 doi:10.1186/s12978-015-0044-5
Selected reports, books, book chapters, and technical guidance
Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada and the Women’s Health Research Institute. Beyond the Binary in Canada Guide. Pathways toward equitable research with people who experience sex and gender-based health inequities. (November 2024). Vancouver, BC: Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada www.pwhr.org (co-author and co-editor).
Kendall, T. Sexual and reproductive health landscape in the Caribbean: Situational monitoring report, November 2023. (2023). United Nations Population Fund, Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean (SROC) and the Caribbean Observatory on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. www.caribsrhrobserv.org
Nelson M., Du Mont J., Kaida A., Lipscombe L., Macdonald S., Norman W.V., Oster R., Rosen N., Schulz, J., Smith L., Young D., Kendall T.R. PWHR Knowledge Summary: Partnered women’s health research for knowledge mobilization. (September, 2023). Vancouver, BC: Partnership for Women’s Health Research Canada. www.pwhr.org
M. Hernández Leyva, E. López Uribe, T. Kendall (2023). El VIH y las mujeres en México: Los efectos sociales [HIV and women in Mexico: Social issues]. In Garcia Murcia M, Mendoza Perez JC, Salinas Hernandez H. Los efectos sociales de VIH y el sida en México. Cuatro décadas de pandemia. Mexico City, Mexico: Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) y Programa de Estudios en Disidencia Sexual, Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de Mexico (UACM).
Kendall, T. (2022). Technical Brief: Fulfilling the sexual and reproductive rights of women living with HIV, preventing coerced and forced sterilization. London, UK: International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). https://www.ippf.org/resource/technical-brief-fulfilling-sexual-and-reproductive-rights-women-living-hiv-preventing
Kendall, T. (2022). Global Technical Guidance: Improving the Collection and Use of Administrative Data on Violence Against Women. United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and World Health Organization (WHO). https://www.unwomen.org/en/digital-library/publications/2022/05/global-technical-guidance-for-collection-and-use-of-administrative-data-on-violence-against-women