Sofia Bartlett

Academic Rank(s)
Assistant Professor (Partner), PhD
655 W. 12th Ave Vancouver, BC
I obtained a BSc(Hons) in 2010 from James Cook University, Australia, then joined the Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. I received a PhD from UNSW in 2017, then relocated to relocated to Canada to undertake a postdoctoral fellowship at UBC as a CIHR Health System Impact Fellow, working on the BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort.
I joined the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) as the senior scientist for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STIBBI) in 2021, and I am currently the interim scientific director for Clinical Prevention Services. I provide scientific leadership of STIBBI and TB surveillance and programming at BCCDC, and conduct applied public health research to address related knowledge gaps.
Scientific Director (Interim), BC Centre For Disease Control
Editorial Board, BMC Infectious Diseases
Dr. Bartlett’s main research interest is related to addressing knowledge gaps around the overlap of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STIBBIs) and tuberculosis, substance use, and incarceration, that have the potential to inform public health policy and programming, while also advancing the rights and the health of marginalized people. She combines community-based, participatory methods and knowledge to action research with implementation science research to optimize access to testing and care for STIBBIs, particularly among marginalized and other “hardly reached” populations, such as people who are unstably housed, people who inject drugs, and people in prison.
Dr. Bartlett is a co-investigator with the CIHR Canadian HIV Trials Network and the Canadian Network on Hepatitis C, and co-leads the Transformative Health and Justice Research Cluster at UBC.
For publications and citations, see PubMed, Google Scholar or ORCID.
SPPH 515 – Surveillance and Monitoring in Public Health