Careers and Alumni
According to the 2016 UBC PhD Career Outcomes report of the 823 Health Science graduates (including Population and Public Health graduates), 742 were employed, with seven seeking employment at the time of the survey and no information available for 74 graduates.
From the report:
According to the report, almost 50% of the Health Science graduates were employed in the higher education sector, 21% in the private sector, 12% in the public sector, and 5.6% in the not for-profit sector.
Of those working in the higher education sector, 37% were employed as Research-intensive faculty, or all positions titled assistant professor, associate professor, or professor, or the equivalent terms in non-Canadian countries, employed by a PhD-granting institution.
Almost 23% were postdoctoral fellows, nearly 12% were Teaching Intensive faculty, and 10.8% were associate researchers.
Employers of our graduates include Cambridge University, the University of California, the University of British Columbia, and the B.C. Cancer Research Centre.
Photo credit: Martin Dee / UBC Communications & Marketing

Lianping Ti, Assistant Professor
If Lianping Ti looks familiar, it may be because she taught you biostatistics this year. An alumna of the doctoral program, Dr. Ti once took the courses she now teaches with Senior Lecturer Mike Marin.

Titilola Falasinnu, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Doctoral alumna Titilola Falasinnu works as a post-doctoral fellow in health research and policy at Stanford University.

Kimberly Thomson, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Recent graduate Kimberly Thomson is continuing her research as a postdoctoral fellow at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the Centre for Social and Early Emotional Development at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia.