Basic Finance – SPHA 501

The complexity of today’s health care environment requires financial management across all areas from facilities maintenance to operating room utilization rates. To be effective, health care managers must have the financial literacy to make well-informed and thorough decisions.

SPHA 501 Basic Finance will provide a general understanding of financial valuation and quantitative analysis of corporate and individual financing and savings decisions. Bridging finance and administration within a health care context, students will learn the differences in private vs. public sectors systems including government funding cycle and funding sources, and the decision making process and its influencers.

Read about other MHA courses our students are taking

Instructor Profile

Dr. Steve Morgan

Professor, School of Population and Public Health, UBC

Dr. Steve Morgan’s research is focused on health care policy, with an emphasis on health care financing and expenditures, equity analysis, and pharmaceutical policies. He has published over 150 articles, book chapters, and reports, and has served as a policy consultant to governments in Canada and abroad. In March 2015, Dr. Morgan was the lead author on a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on universal pharmacare in Canada.

Nicholas Schnee, BSc, MHA, CMA/CPA

Executive Director

Cardiac Services BC, Stroke Service BC and Provincial Specialized Programs & Clinical Policy


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