Congratulations to PhD Candidate Hallie Dau at the UBC School of Population and Public Health on receiving the 2023-24 UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award!
In recognition of the valuable role that Graduate Teaching Assistants play in our programs, UBC annually honours GTAs with the Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award. Up to 19 winners are selected each spring. Successful candidates have met criteria that demonstrate teaching excellence and a high level of esteem for the candidate from undergraduate students and supervisors. The adjudication for this award takes place within the Faculties.
Hallie recently completed her doctoral degree under the supervision of Dr. Gina Ogilvie at the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. Her doctoral research focused on the social and economic impacts of cervical cancer on women and children in Uganda. She has received several awards including a Canadian Doctoral Research Award, Public Scholarship Initiative, and Liu Scholarship. Throughout her time at UBC, she assisted in teaching eight courses and mentored multiple graduate and undergraduate students.
“One of my favorite parts about being a teaching assistant is getting to know all of the students at SPPH,” said Hallie. “I love hearing about their research and how they applied the skills taught in the classroom to their current projects.”
Read the announcement by the UBC Faculty of Medicine.