The UBC Faculty of Medicine is proud to thank Goldcorp Inc., Silver Wheaton Corp. and the North Growth Foundation – the major donors to-date who are generously supporting the Study to Assess Longer Term Opioid Medication Effectiveness (SALOME). Conducted by the Faculty of Medicine in partnership with Providence Health Care, SALOME is led by Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes, Assistant Professor in UBC’s School of Population and Public Health and Dr. Michael Krausz, UBC-Providence Health Care BC Leadership Chair in Addiction Research and Professor of Psychiatry, Epidemiology and Public Health.
Through gifts made to InnerChange Foundation, which provides leadership, funding and advocacy to improve the health outcomes for people who are suffering from mental health challenges and addiction, these donors are supporting improvements in treatment options for chronic heroin addiction.
The only clinical trial of its kind in North America, SALOME is testing whether hydromorphone (Dilaudid®), a licensed pain medication, is as effective as diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient of heroin, at engaging the most vulnerable long-term street heroin users, so they will enroll in treatment programs and end their use of illicit drugs.