UBC becomes a member of the Consortium for Universities for Global Health (CUGH)

The University of British Columbia is excited to announce that it is now a member of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH). As a member of this non-profit organization, UBC joins a network of 177 academic institutions and partner organizations from 35 countries committed to transforming global health across education, research, service and advocacy. As an institutional member, every faculty, administrator and student at UBC is also a member of CUGH. Through CUGH, members can share knowledge, build partnerships, and engage with each other to improve the well being of people and the planet. Membership benefits include the use of CUGH’s online interest groups and discussion boards, discounted rates on its conferences, webinars and workshops, and access to its career and funding opportunities.”

For more information on CUGH, click here.

For a full list of member benefits, click here.

Looking for more information on UBC’s membership.  Want to be added to the CUGH mailing list?

Please contact Simona Powell, Global Health Office, School of Population and Public Health:  Simona.Powell@ubc.ca

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