Despite the public health challenges of the past year there has been a distinct silver lining, as the world and our personal networks outside of population and public health have become acutely aware of the importance of our work. Never before have we experienced so much interest from my friends and family, nor seen so much coverage of epidemiological issues in the news and media. We have a unique opportunity to build on this interest and generate support for our trainees and research in the community.
On Wednesday, April 7, UBC will hold its first ever university-wide day of giving. Driven by online engagement, this 24-hour giving challenge will bring donors, alumni, and friends together to support the UBC causes that matter most to them. This year, the Faculty of Medicine is promoting three funds, two of which are held in our School: The Future of Public Health Fund, and the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health fund.
If you would like to help promote these funds, you can do so by helping to get the word out. You can share your personal story about how UBC has affected your education or research, send an email to your friends and family, or you can re-share the stories being posted by the School and Faculty of Medicine on social media. You can also donate to the funds.
Every contribution to Giving Day 2021 will make a difference.
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