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SPPH student wins medical decision-making prize

Logan Trenaman won the Lee B. Lusted Student Prize, which recognizes students’ original research in medical decision making.

Research Spotlight: Injury prevention professionals are more accident-prone than other Canadians

A recent study indicates Canadian injury prevention professionals are more likely to sustain injuries compared to other Canadians. (photo credit: ka2n, Flickr)

Drs. Jerry Spiegel and Michael Law win Cortlandt J.G. Mackenzie Teaching Prize

The prize is awarded for the highest scores on students’ evaluations of course teaching in the School of Population and Public Health.

SPPH student wins prestigious Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Giulia Muraca wins award that recognizes leaders in their field and helps attract and retain top talent in Canada.

2013 Canada Gairdner Global Health Award Lecture

Dr. King Holmes, Recipient of the Canada Gairdner Global Health Award, 2013, will speak on October 31st at 4 pm. RSVPs are required.

Heavy traffic is taking our breath away

UBC’s Michael Brauer says it’s time to get serious about traffic-related air pollution. Photo: joyt, iStock.

At Home/Chez Soi wins 2013 BC Health Association Legacy Award

Dr. Jim Frankish (UBC School of Population and Public Health) and Greg Richmond (Raincity Housing) are named on the award.

October 21: Saving a Generation: Maternal, Newborn & Child Health

The Aga Khan Foundation Canada in partnership with Canada’s International Development Research Centre present this special seminar