Program Details
The MHA is a professional program for clinicians, administrators, researchers and managers who are seeking solutions to today’s complex health delivery issues.

Applied Learning for Healthcare Leadership
Delivered by instructors from the School of Population and Public Health, Sauder School of Business and industry experts, you will complete courses that provide the big picture of health care and gain essential skills for management and leadership.
Program Overview
Applied Learning for Healthcare Leadership
Delivered by instructors from the School of Population and Public Health, Sauder School of Business and industry experts, you will complete courses that provide the big picture of health care and gain essential skills for management and leadership.
Program Overview
The MHA program is a 42 credit graduate degree that is delivered in a cohort-based, executive education style. The program can be completed in two years, and consists of:
- 24 mandatory courses (1.5 credits each) offering a breadth and depth of topics that spans the health care sector and includes health policy, systems, and management. Courses include case studies, discussions, group work and presentations.
- Students also complete an independent capstone project –SPHA 590 Research Project(6 credits)
Create the Future of Healthcare
Our health care system is becoming increasingly complex and facing more opportunities and challenges than ever before. Our program attracts students who are motivated by their desire to combine business skills with their passion for health care delivery.
Program Overview
Graduates will:
- Take courses with a multi-disciplinary perspective in health systems, policies and management along with foundational business skills
- Learn with a cohort model of like-minded, influential leaders
- Earn a highly sought-after degree and advance your career and promotion prospects
Earn Your Degree While You Work
Designed to suit your full-time work schedule, our courses are directly applicable to your current role. You will also develop new skill sets and knowledge to accelerate your career.
Program Overview
Classes are taught on Friday afternoons and weekends with two 1.5 credit courses over two weekends. You will also complete individual and group course work between classes.