Statistics – SPHA 554 and SPHA 555
Statistics is the subject that allows us to explore any topic with a quantitative glee, and health care is no exception. What is the most efficient way to manage operating room time and surgical waiting lists? What hospital-wide programs can reduce infection rates? Statistical methods allow health administrators to incorporate business operations research into hospital operations.
Florence Nightingale wrote, “Statistics… the most important science in the whole world; for upon it depends the practical application of every other science and of every art; the one science essential to all political and social administration, all education, all organization based on experience, for it only gives results of our experience.” Nightingale revolutionized hospital administration by collecting data and carefully applying basic statistical principles. Today, we use statistics not only to evaluate therapeutic initiatives on patients but to manage health care institutions.
SPHA 554 Application of Stats in Management (MHA Year One) will give students a working knowledge of basic statistical analysis that is is necessary for managers in all fields of activity. Although vast amounts of data are being collected, thoughtful analysis of the data continues to lag far behind. Throughout this course, the emphasis will be on the skilled and sensitive interpretation of data, and communication of results of statistical analysis, and will make the connection between sound research design and effective statistical analysis.
SPHA 555 Biostatisics (MHA Year Two) focusses on the concepts and principles of building statistical models and interpreting model output. Students will gain a solid understanding of modelling principles, as well as the ability to have an intelligent conversation with a statistician when discussing data analysis.
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Instructor Profile

Mike Marin (SPHA 554 and 555)
Instructor, School of Population and Public Health
An educational leader, Michael Marin consistently scores exceptionally high teaching evaluation marks, and has made large contributions to statistical education. In 2015, Mike is the recipient of the Faculty of Medicine Award for Excellence in Education. Mike received his BSc in Statistics and Economics from York University and MSc in Statistics from UBC.