Delivered by instructors at the UBC’s School of Population and Public Health with guest lecturers from around the world, you will complete interdisciplinary courses focused on health challenges on an international scale and gain essential skills in research and administration.

A truly interdisciplinary program:

With core courses delivered by expert global health faculty members at SPPH, partnerships with Faculties across UBC such as Land and Food Systems and Applied Science, and guest lecturers from around the world, student will be able to apply program knowledge to a variety of fields and careers that have a bearing on the broader concept on health.

Collaborate with students in other SPPH graduate programs through shared courses and curriculum.

MGH students will also have access to some elective courses from other Faculties to help enrich your understanding of global health in subspeciality contexts. 

Evolving thematic pillars:

The program offers three main curricular themes which evolve with societal need and are designed to reflect the most relevant global health challenges of the world today. 

Current thematic pillars:

Global health ethics

ethical perspective on global health inequities in a variety of contexts, especially those relating to colonialism and to the needs of marginalized populations, and how to navigate challenges that confront efforts to address them

Global health policy

Coordination among governments, health ministries, international health bodies, non-governmental organizations, civil society, and others to address global health inequities, challenges and crises, such as pandemics

Global environmental health

Inherently global environmental drivers of health inequities, such as climate change, along with policies and interventions that can address them

Practical skills:

Practical skills are woven into course content across the MGH curriculum. Students are offered ample opportunity to put these into practice in course assignments and the practicum.

• Business communication skills
• Systems thinking
• Cultural sensitivity
• Stakeholder engagement
• Program management
• Networking skills

Experiential Learning

Gain real-world experience and make a lasting impact with the MGH practicum. This 3-month hands-on opportunity allows you to apply classroom knowledge to real-world global health (GH) challenges, working with public/private organizations, NGOs, and research institutions either at home or abroad. Whether you’re addressing health inequities, shaping policy, or engaging in community-based initiatives, the practicum equips you with the skills, connections, and insights needed to drive meaningful change in global health.

Engage with an existing GH-oriented initiative/project either domestically or internationally or develop a new project in an area of interest with the joint support of your site supervisor and the MGH Practicum Director.


The MGH program is working to develop collaborations with:
• Mahidol University, Thailand
• Thammasat University, Thailand
• AMREF International University, Kenya
• University of Zambia, Zambia
• BRAC University, Bangladesh
• Municipal governments in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley
• Provincial health authorities
• Provincial ministries
• Regional, national, and international not-for-profit organizations
• Private sector partners

Global Health Symposium

The program concludes with a Global Health Symposium featuring student presentations on their practicum experiences, invited guest lectures from around the world, panel discussions, and networking.