We’re recruiting champions of change where health begins

Want to fight the spread of HIV? Lead the charge to end male violence against women? Put an end to boil water advisories that reflect the legacy of colonization? Decriminalize drugs to end the opioid crisis? Remedy the unequal distribution of wealth? Adapt our food systems to combat the epidemic of obesity and type II diabetes? Revise our built environments to reduce congestion, smog and stress?
Then join us to study where health begins, while finding a path to employment or a ladder to promotion in your current workplace.

The MPH at UBC paves the way to diverse career paths. Some careers may be hands-on with individuals, patients and organizations, while others may focus on government regulations or budgets to promote health in all policies.  Some may work locally, while others globally. The diversity of employment options reflects the diversity of skill-sets we aim to attract.

Who should apply?

The MPH at UBC targets professionals who have been working in fields related to public health, many of whom will be in leadership roles, who wish to extend their knowledge in public health methods and applications. We also encourage students who have recently completed a bachelor degree to apply. We welcome students from:

  • the sciences and health sciences to become leaders in disease prevention and control.
  • political science, sociology, economics, social planning, public policy, law, anthropology, etc. to dig in where health begins – where we are born, grow, live, work and age – and the policy levers available to promote health and prevent illness locally and internationally.
  • engineers, architects and computer scientists, etc. to re-design our built and online environments, and our health promoting technologies.
  • business backgrounds to influence the markets and government budgets that shape the conditions where health begins, along with the public health systems that kick in when we fail to prevent disease.

Our program also reserve seats for applicants who self-identify as Indigenous.

What will you learn?