Advancing global environmental health through interdisciplinary impact-driven research: spotlight on lead poisoning in South Asia
You are invited to Dr. Jenna Forsyth’s public seminar as part of the recruitment process for the position of Assistant Professor, Tenure Track, Global Environmental Health. This is a formal presentation to the students, faculty, and staff highlighting her expertise and qualifications.
Presentation: Advancing global environmental health through interdisciplinary impact-driven research: spotlight on lead poisoning in South Asia
Date & Time:
1:00pm-2:00pm PT, Tuesday, January 16, 2024
In-person: B104, School of Population and Public Health, 2206 East Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3
Online: Zoom
If attending on Zoom, please see below for the meeting link and details.
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Meeting ID: 641 0732 8631
Passcode: 942832
About the presenter
Dr. Jenna Forsyth, PhD is an environmental health scientist who has spent the past 15 years addressing global and environmental health problems, particularly contaminants in air, water, soil, and food, with an emphasis on lead exposure.